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Ronald Bernard speaks again

Ronald Bernard speaks again

11 Jul 2023



Ronald Bernard speaks again
Who doesn’t remember our interviews with Ronald Bernard in 2017, in which he made shocking revelations following his experiences in the -for common people- shadowy financial world? This five-part series of interviews, of which part 1 (English subs) went all over the world with great speed – and subtitled in a lot of languages – made a big impact, and they were picked up on all sorts of national and international media channels. Especially the very emotional outpouring in which he speaks of satanic sacrifices of children made it go viral.

In August of the same year, the bizarre report appeared that he had been found dead in Florida. It was about a name mate, but it turned out to be persistent because today this ‘fake news’ message is still being outed regularly. Ronald was and is still alive and kicking and he was on a short vacation in nature at the time when his so-called death came to his attention. To this day I still get questions about whether it is true that Ronald has died.

Ronald is alive and well and still building a new financial system worldwide -United People Foundation/BofJoy- as an alternative to the current rattling financial system that is on the verge of a (planned?) crash.

We want to  draw your attention to an important two-part lecture by Ronald Bernard in which he discusses ‘the agenda’ that is currently being rolled out around the world; on the covid crisis, pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the CBDC, the assumption of power by WHO, WEF, and his experiences after the publication of the interviews, among other things. But also the answer to this situation that must come from the people -i.e. from us. A very clear story told by him in Dutch, but with English subtitles.

The claims Ronald made in the interviews from 2017 were and are sometimes questioned because it is too gruesome to comprehend; this quite often leads to cognitive dissonance.

But current events once again support his claims, as the movie “Sound of Freedom,” released last July 4th, is proving to be a huge blockbuster. This film by Tim Ballard, a former DHS Undercover government agent, who quit his job to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers, is about real rescue operations of millions of missing children worldwide who are victims of child trafficking, organ trafficking and ritual abuse. Exactly what Ronald talked about in the interviews. It also involves Ukraine and the Netherlands.

This film has been showing in numerous theaters since July 4 in the U.S., but lead actor Jim Caviezel (known for his starring role in “Passion of the Christ,” among other movies) recently announced that it will be on Twitter in mid-July. As you might expect, the film is receiving a lot of criticism from the mainstream media, but again, as with anything, always research and judge for yourself.

Please see both parts of the lecture below. For English subs click on CC at the bottom of the video on the right.